#4 So, You’re Just An Idiot
I represented a company that was sued for breach of contract by a former independent contractor. The dude basically alleged that my client wasn’t paying him correctly in accordance with the contract. During his deposition, the dude admitted that he never reviewed any documents to make sure his allegations were true, nor did review his complaint before filing it. He had no idea whether or not my client actually failed to pay him in accordance with the contract.
Basically, he told me that he was suing my client because he didn’t think their agreement was fair (even though he agreed to the terms when he signed the contract). The kicker is that he admitted he OWED money to my client. At arbitration, he tried to flip his story, giving a testimony that was the exact opposite of his deposition. So, I whipped out his transcript and undermined his testimony bit by bit. Needless to say, I won that case.
Credit: ellewoodswannabe16