Man Finds Gold Mine On Property, Goes In And Realizes He’s Made A Huge Mistake

A Whole New World

Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places / YouTube

This was an entirely new world of its own. It was freezing in the room despite the warmer weather outside. The walls in the room were rough and cold to the touch. Much more so than the ones outside the room. Again the feeling of claustrophobia set in, making him want to turn and run away. That’s when something new caught his eyes.

Furniture glinted in his flashlight beam. Much of it was junk and had been destroyed. It didn’t seem to make sense. Why would someone abandon the mine and not take any of their belongings? Right at that moment, the air got even colder again. Pressure pushed on Christopher’s chest. He didn’t know what it was, but something strange was going on.

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