Man Finds Gold Mine On Property, Goes In And Realizes He’s Made A Huge Mistake


Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places / YouTube

On the opposite wall of the scratches he had found more, but this time, there weren’t any lines but a message on it. It was an unreadable message he had to document. He took out his camera and took a picture of it, maybe later he would put that picture on his computer and investigate further and decipher it. Startled, he heard a noise. The hairs on his body prickled forward and gave him goosebumps. Someone was there. He pointed his flashlight in the direction of the noise. Nothing.

He turned around and continued to look at the wording on the wall, but in that instant he heard the sound of metal clashing together, a cold breeze close to his shoulder like a whisper, and a sense of cold washed over him as if he had just passed through an icy shower, having every warm feeling and thought sucked out of him. At first, it appeared to come from behind, then from the front. In only moments the noise and cold were coming from every direction, getting closer, louder, more frantic… He ran.

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