Man Finds Gold Mine On Property, Goes In And Realizes He’s Made A Huge Mistake

Haunted Mine


As he got to his house, he made his way straight to his study and locked himself in. Something weird was happening in that mine, and he needed answers. Creeped out, he googled ‘haunted mines,’ and as the results were loading a chill rose up his spine, making him shiver. The ‘thing’ that was in the mine was there, with him, inside the house and he could feel it. He whipped around, and sounds of hushed whispering seemed to be erupting everywhere around him. Was he going crazy?

A breath so hoarse echoed around him. As Christopher turned his head over his shoulder, the whispering stopped. The air chilled to ice and his labored breathing became the only sound. Then, out of nowhere the google search loaded and the first hit read: “If you want to get rid of the paranormal activity in the mine and subsequently, in your life, you have to face it.” Could he really? Could he go back and make ‘whatever’ this is leave him alone? There was only one way to find out.

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