Man Finds Gold Mine On Property, Goes In And Realizes He’s Made A Huge Mistake

‘Sparkly’ Walls


It was too dark to see into the moss-covered mine from the outside. Trembling with excitement he rushed home to grab a flashlight. “When we bought the house, nobody ever told us about the fact that the estate had a lot of mines on it. We just sort of stumbled upon the gold mine one day and that was it. When I first saw it, I was so excited that I almost fell over myself. The only thing that I could think about was Indiana Jones and underground railroads,” Christopher recalls.

Flashlight in hand, he rushed back to explore his exciting mystery. He had no way of knowing that he would come to regret that choice. As he reached the mine entrance, Christopher found himself holding his breath as he stepped inside. Once inside the mine, his flashlight illuminated ‘sparkly’ areas on the wall, but he had no idea what they were.

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