Medical Professionals Share Their Most Ridiculous Encounters With Dumb Patients



Was treating cavities on a very nervous 4-year-old. Had finally gotten into a cooperative groove when his genius mother looked up from her phone and noticed that I was drilling teeth (she was in the room the whole time – I had reviewed treatment with her, she knew we were fixing cavities).

She proceeds to curse me out under her breath saying, “You’re drilling holes in her teeth! This is ridiculous, you people are scammers making holes in people’s teeth!”

I kept my calm and said, “Ma’am, if you have questions I will be happy to answer after I’m finished” I’m shaking with rage at this point because she was 20 minutes late to her appointment and I’m bending over backwards to make sure her kid has a good visit and doesn’t end up scared of the dentist.

When the appointment is over, the kid jumps down, high fives me, and gives me a big hug. I turn to mom and ask her how exactly she thought cavities were fixed.

She said, “You don’t drill, my mother is a dental assistant.” I then proceeded to explain in excruciating detail the scientific process of how we remove decay. She said, “That’s not true.” I then told her that she can go ask her mom, ask Google, or go to dental school if she wants to know more but I won’t be treating her child anymore.


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