A while back, I helped open an urgent care center for the first 2 years. When we opened the doors, one of our first customers was an adorable 85-year-old Asian lady who was really hard to understand but talked a lot.
Anyway, this lady comes in for the first time complaining of a stomach pain. We attempted to diagnose her, but nothing added up for about 30 minutes to an hour of her talking. Finally she told us she just felt better. Okay! We don’t really think anything of it until next week around the same time she shows up again with the same problem.
And guess what the solution was? After about 45 minutes of listening to what she ate for dinner the last few nights, we eventually figured out corn was messing with her.
But this never deterred her from coming in more. It eventually became a once-a-week occurrence, then a once-a-day thing, until we finally started becoming a busy urgent care and we couldn’t really fit her inside our schedule.
I swear this lady actually came in every day thinking she was on the verge of death, until we could convince her she was fine. In case you’re wondering, I’m almost certain she’s well over 90 now and still going.