Medical Professionals Share Their Most Ridiculous Encounters With Dumb Patients



Patient had a hard time getting pregnant. Finally conceived but miscarried. Patient has a D&C so she can try again, this time with medical intervention.

We monitor her blood to ensure the pregnancy hormone is gone before beginning treatment. But she keeps coming back with high levels of hormone. Docs are worried because she might have some retained placenta or pituitary disorder and this could be super bad for future fertility.

We call her in for a conversation about the hormone levels not going away. After talking together about what might be wrong, they are going to go home and think about further tests. She says, “I need to go. I have an appointment at the weight-loss center for an HCG shot.”

Turns out that she is on the HCG diet. HCG is the pregnancy hormone. And this was after an hour of the docs saying, “We don’t know why you have these constant high levels of HCG in your blood and we are worried.”


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