Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

10. Emotional Situation

Pexels, cottonbro studio

This is more amusing than anything. GF came over, and we watched a movie and cuddled on the couch. Everything seemed to be going well, but she started pulling away around the end of the movie.

As soon as I turn the movie off, she starts crying. She’s crying so hard she can’t say anything, so I’m just standing there thinking, “WTF?”… Eventually, I have to preempt her to figure out what’s wrong.

Me: Are you OK? 

Her: [shakes head no] 

Me: Is it us?

Her: [shakes head yes]

Me: Do you want to break up? 

Her: [starts crying harder and shakes head yes]

Me: It’s ok, it happens, I’m not upset [hugs now ex gf]


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