Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

11. All Eyes On Me

Pexels, Yaowaluck Promdee

Not too weird, but humorous in a way.

I was in a communications class in school. A class where we learned pointless crap like how to write reports and such using MS Word. It was kind of the “we don’t have a proper computing class… So do this instead” subject.

Anyway, the computers had remote monitoring stuff on them that permitted teachers to spy on your screen, lock your keyboard and mouse, and project your screen onto the overhead projector for all the world to see. I was aware of this, but I always risked checking my emails anyway.

One fine morning, I went to check my emails. See one from the girlfriend-at-the-time. ‘ooh, shiny!’. So I click on it and start reading. I am just reading the last few lines, in shock, processing what I have just read (spoiler: it was the break-up email. She knew I checked my emails and thought it was less awful than a text/phone call) 

When the mouse stopped working, I saw the projector blink into life, displaying the Hewlett Packard logo, and that sadistic bastard of a teacher was obviously about to queue up my heartbreak for all to see. I have mere seconds.

I did the only logical thing and violently ripped the power and network cables from the back of my desktop and left.


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