Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

12. Two-Timer

Pexels, cottonbro studio

My first boyfriend was the actual worst. He was a total piece of crap, very emotionally abusive. He moved 45 minutes away to live with his dad a year into our relationship. 

Not a big deal; not far away. He still stayed with his mom most weekends. So after a year and a half of being with him, he called me up one day and started telling me about this girl at his new school that he’s dating and how he couldn’t believe someone so amazing would want to be with him.

I was like…. what is the actual fudge? And so I started seeing a friend of mine who I had a crush on because I’m thinking obviously we’re not together anymore. “Boyfriend” finds out and loses his crap on me, saying he can’t believe I’d do that to him. 

I was like… okay, psycho. And I told him to never contact me again. He called me every single day, 20 times a day for months. Then, he finally got the picture that I didn’t want to talk to him.

That happened 7 years ago. He still tries to contact me every once in a while. Oh, and he married that girl.


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