Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

14. Sudden One

Pexels, Karolina Grabowska

After a year and a couple of months of dating, she, without warning, changed her relationship status on Facebook to single, cut off all contact with me without telling me why, and only responded to texts I sent to her about picking up her stuff. 

She would always make up an excuse for not being able to come get it (she had a ton of stuff at my house).

I offered her different options, like dropping it off at her house when she wasn’t around or letting her send a friend to pick it up. I just wanted it gone. After a month of her telling me ‘I’ll pick it up tomorrow,” I threw it all away. 

Then she called me to scream at me for being a jerkward. 5 years later, I still have no idea why she broke up with me (I’m guessing she dumped me for someone else), and I haven’t seen her since.


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