Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

19. For Peace Of Mind

Pexels, Teddy Yang

We’d only been dating for a few months, but things seemed like they were going great. There were legitimately no signs of trouble. I went to call her one night before bed, as we did, and she just didn’t answer.

I figured maybe she was asleep or something, so I texted her the next day with no response. I waited a few days, then sent her a Facebook message asking what was up, and she responded with this gem:

“I just felt like I wasn’t being listened to by people in my life, and it got to the point where I wanted to just get away. Explaining myself wasn’t working, and the pressure didn’t subside, so I stepped away. I’m sorry it involved you, too. I don’t hate you or anything. I just needed to feel better. Sorry for being selfish, take care.”

Good times!


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