Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

20. Saw It Coming

Pexels, Alena Darmel

Worked with her in college. She always hung out near my desk, and we’d talk a lot, but we ended up texting all the time. I finally got the balls to ask her out with about 3 weeks left of school. She went home for the summer, and I moved 2 blocks away from campus.

She came back a few weeks later for my birthday. She stayed at a friend’s place but was with me for the whole time she was there. I asked her if she wanted to go out for drinks or anything, and she said she just wanted to hang out at my new place and watch How I Met Your Mother. 

She left the next day, and we skyped a lot. Most of the time it was me trying to talk to her while she played with her dog or watched TV.

When she came back she avoided me for a few days, using job training as an excuse. She finally asked me to hang out, and we ended up going to the bar with her coworkers (I had quit during the summer). She was cold to me all night and ignored me.

I finally got fed up with it a few days later and told her we needed to talk. I went to her place after my class with the intention of dumping her, and as soon as I walked in, she told me she was “tired of trying” and dumped me. 

I walked out feeling sorry for myself and ran into one of her coworkers. She asked me if I wanted to get a drink, I said yes, and we made out.


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