Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

22. Reddit Couple

Pexels, cottonbro studio

Met a girlfriend on Reddit, became a pretty well-known “Reddit couple,” and moved across the country to be with her (Tampa to Seattle). The crap went sour after about a year. She left me alone in our apartment with our cat for 3 weeks, and I ended up moving all the back across the country.

I call it “weird” only because I’ve lived in the South my entire life (against my preferences). Yet, I lived in Seattle for a year and experienced such culture shock that it now doesn’t even feel real to me anymore. I feel as if I was never actually there in the first place, and it was all one long dream.

That actually kind of sucks because I loved it there (after I got used to it) and basically had to leave in a “kicking & screaming” state. Not literally or anything. I just really, really did not want to leave that gorgeous scenery and weather, which ranged from delightfully melancholic & cold to 75 degrees with the summer sun shining through a cloudless sky.

This was about a year and a half ago, and I’m fine with it all at this point…I just really freaking hate Florida.


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