Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

24. Messy Shower

Pexels, cottonbro studio

Threw up all over me… And I don’t just mean on my shirt or lap. I mean, complete head-to-toe-omg-itsinmymouthandinmyears. Learned that Roman showers are not my thing and that some people shouldn’t drink if they know they can’t handle it. 

She locked herself in the bathroom and left for me to clean up. I cleaned everything up and had to hose myself down outside since she wouldn’t open our only bathroom. The next morning, I woke up to the smell of a full breakfast. I figured this was her apology for puking on me – nope

It was for just herself, and she ate it in front of me as a payback for leaving her to be sick by herself… I said, “Witch!!!”

Packed my things immediately and ended it right then and there.


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