Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

26. Just For The Hearsay

Pexels, Karolina Grabowska

Not mine, but I had to share it. I had an ex who had never been in a serious relationship. In one of her past relationships, she broke up with one of her boyfriends for the sickest reason I have ever seen. 

Her mother went to see a medium or someone like that for fun, and that person told her that her daughter was in a relationship with a dude who had no soul. Finally, she broke up with him the next day because of that fact. 

Her mother was frequently doing some rituals or meditations type of craps, so it was easily believable.

And no, I didn’t know that weird story before I was dating her and during our short relationship. I learned about it recently. I guess I dodged bullets.


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