Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

28. Fixed Her For Someone Else

Pexels, Ketut Subiyanto

Went out with her for 7.5 years, she had 3 kids, no credit, and her life and health were pretty much wrecked by her ex-husband. Over that time, I helped her rehabilitate her health, restored her credit scores, and helped her refinance and redecorate her house.

I even helped her raise her kids and helped her eldest cover tuition coverage in his freshman year. I went a long time without a physical relationship with her while I helped her recover from sciatica problems with her back.

She walks in one night and says, “We are incompatible,” and dumps me. She keeps everything, cuts me off from the kids, and 6 weeks after begging me to stay friends (with tears in her eyes, the quote was “I can’t imagine you not in my life”), she writes in an email that she is seeing someone new.

Three years later, she posts an entry on her Facebook page celebrating her three-year anniversary dinner with the new guy…except the anniversary date is two weeks before she dumped me.

Nothing like rubbing salt in the wound!


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