Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

2. Glitch In The Matrix

Pexels, Liza Summer

Once, a woman broke up with me over a very weird conversation that had never occurred. She was making references to it. The conversation was apparently over the telephone – I had called her at work. I was dumbfounded. I told her that I didn’t remember any of this, that I did not even speak with her that day. She refused to believe me and we broke up anyway.

Just to be certain, I wasn’t capable of completely forgetting an entire conversation. A couple of weeks later, I checked my phone bill since her work was long-distance and would have been itemized. A call to her work number on the day she said it happened wasn’t there, nor were there ANY calls to her work in the prior three days.

Maybe she dreamed it? Maybe someone called posing as me? No, I did not pursue it any further. 

Leave crazy alone.


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