Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

29. The Heartbreaker

Pexels, Alena Darmel

I had a girlfriend end a long-term relationship while I was on an LSD trip. We hadn’t spoken in a couple of weeks, and I decided to call her, as I was missing her very much and thought she’d be feeling the same way about me. 

Instead, she was very angry with me. I tried to back out of the situation, realizing that I was in no condition to handle the possible consequences of the conversation, but she said she didn’t care that I was tripping or how I felt. 

She then told me that she didn’t love me anymore, the relationship was over, then she hung up on me. No reasons were given outside: “I don’t love you anymore.”

Due to being on LSD at the time, the emotions I felt were amplified a thousand-fold. I cried for hours and couldn’t stop. Eventually, friends and family took me to a hospital, where they gave me some benzodiazepines to calm down. 

The end result for me was an intense fear of women and relationships and years of therapy. The incident changed my life in a very negative way.


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