Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

32. The Pathological Liar

Pexels, Christina Morillo

It’s not the worst break-up story out there, but it’s my personal worst break-up story.

Dated a guy for a little while, and I thought we were pretty serious and into each other. Guess I was wrong. He broke up with me via text message one night while I was in class, stating that “he didn’t want to date anymore. Not just [me], [he didn’t] want.” I was upset, but I dealt with it.

Three days later, I’m cruising his Facebook status, and lo’ and behold, he’s in another relationship. I was surprised and annoyed, but again, I dealt with it.

Fast forward two weeks later, and there’s a note on his Facebook page saying “Happy one-month anniversary!” from his current girlfriend. Now, I immediately noticed that the times didn’t match up in a pleasant way. Turns out my turd ex-boyfriend had been seeing two women at the same time.

I talked to my friend about it because I was very upset and distraught. She did the valiant thing and contacted the turd’s current girlfriend to make sure she knew that he’d been cheating on me with her. 

She didn’t know and was just as surprised that I existed as I was to find out she existed. We chatted, and she said she would confront the turd. Later that day, I got a few angry texts from the turd, stating that I’d “ruined” his relationship and had “lied” to his girlfriend. 

I can assure you I didn’t lie about anything. I cut all contact with the turd, though I did find out that his girlfriend forgave him for lying to both her and me, and she’s still with him. She can have him.


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