Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

33. Guy Best friend

Pexels, Felipe Balduino

I am a lesbian. My (ex)girlfriend of three years told me she couldn’t come over on Valentine’s Day but would stop by the next day. I found out the next day she couldn’t come over on Valentine’s Day because she was on a date with her guy best friend, who had a crush on her for years. 

She did come over the next day…. to dump me. She was my first love, and I was heartbroken.

It worked out in the end because I met my current girlfriend 3 months later, and we have been together for 7 years. 

When the ex found out I met someone (neither of us was out of the closet yet), she came crawling back on her knees and begged me to take her back. 

I laughed in her face.


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