Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

36. Cluelessly Boken

Pexels, cottonbro studio

Well, my worst breakup story is actually my most recent.

My ex and I were together for about 5-6 months. It was the weekend of her birthday, and she had friends visiting from out of state. I had the weekend off from work, figuring the two of us could hang out, and spend time with her friends because it was her birthday after all. 

We spent the first two days together with her friends. They seemed to like me, and I thought they were amazing people. The night of her birthday party, she said, “Do you mind not coming over tomorrow, I want to spend some time with my friends alone?”

I agreed, figuring time alone with her friends isn’t a bad thing…especially since they were only in for a few days. It was pretty much the last time I heard from her for about two weeks. She was always the type to text or call nearly every day, and literally, it was suddenly silence. Texts weren’t replied to, and phone calls were replied to a few days later, etc., etc.

We met up after my insistence about a week later, and she assured me that everything was cool and she was just really busy. I believed her and really didn’t have the courage to confront her about the sudden silence. We decided to go out a few days later. 

We went out and talked like it was old times, and everything seemed fine. But, the next day…another week or so of silence started. After more insistence, we talked on the phone, and she told me that we had broken up. Not that I think we should break up, or maybe we should break up, but the past tense.

You know what sucks when someone breaks up with you, and you had no clue…


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