Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

39. Karma Took Over

Pexels, Marcelo Dias

This is me breaking it off with her, but due to circumstances it kinda fits. I had an ex cheat on me twice.

I was 16, and she was my first girlfriend, and I didn’t know anything about anything. Plz, do not respond with why didn’t you dump that crazy witch…I was a damn kid. The first time, I basically reacted with what amounted to, “Don’t do it again, or I’ll break up with you”, and the second time, I just broke up with her.

The kicker is who she cheated on me with. Keep in mind, I am 16 (and so is she).

The first time was with her soccer coach, who was in his late 20s.

If that wasn’t messed up enough, the second one is actually difficult to say without it sounding made up. She cheated on me with the second guy in the bathroom of a billiards place (I found out about this from someone who knew her then and became a close friend of mine years later). 

The guy later smoked crack (literally crack, not freebasing, crack) in the bathroom of her parent’s house, stole her cell phone, and ran away to Florida, never to be heard from again.


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