Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

41. The Leech


Well, I was in a terrible long-term relationship with someone who treated me like a doormat. I wanted to end it. Yet he was at a very low point (no job, no school, no car, no computer, nothing of his own) and he had threatened to hurt himself. So I wanted to let him down as gently as possible. 

He had messed his own life up and just freeloaded off mine for so long that it started to crush me. And in the process, since he was so angry at himself, he would either be shut down or lash out at me.

I was texting with a friend about needing to break up with him. Both the boyfriend’s and the friend’s names start with the same letter. Guess who accidentally got the text. His moving-out process afterward was just…lovely. He never understood why I was ending it. He was just so disillusioned and in denial.

It worked out in a way because I knew he was so deep in denial and so angry that none of what I needed to say to him sunk in. He didn’t understand. I felt terrible at first, but I think he deserved and needed a kickstart that I didn’t have the heart to give him.


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