Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

45. Connected Events

Pexels, Min An

We moved to a new city so she could start grad school. I couldn’t find a job there, so I was back home during the week, working my crappy part-time job and in the new city on the weekends. 

I’d signed the lease there and given up my apartment back home, so I was couch-surfing during the week. I didn’t have a car, so I was using hers. Oddly enough, we were very good friends with a couple who were doing the exact same thing (minus the car and with their new city being different from our new city). 

About two months into this arrangement, I was at the new place for the weekend, and I got dumped. The exact conversation escapes me now (sure, we had our problems), but the crux of the story lies here: Friend-in-the-other-city ended their relationship that same weekend. Shenanigans.

My friend and I got stuck in the old city with no apartments, no cars, and very low income. Oh, and since we’d actually moved to the new cities, for the next several months, all our belongings are in the possession of our exes. Ex and ex-friend are madly in love and have an apparently successful LDR.


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