Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

4. It Is What It Is

Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

I started going out with a girl in my first year of uni who, at some point after the initial happy period, became absolutely insane. She was breaking up with me pretty much every day, publicly screaming at me, etc. 

So, I told her that if she broke up with me again, then that would be it for good. So she doesn’t do it for a few weeks, at which point I’m thinking, “Actually, I don’t really want to be with this girl.” EVENTUALLY, she went crazy at me again and said what she would regret later on.

Girl: That’s it, you’re dumped!!

Realizes what she said and goes so pale.

Girl: I didn’t mean to say it.

Me: Oh, sorry, no backsies!

And I left.


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