Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

50. A Rollercoaster Ride

RDNE Stock project

I was single for some time and met a girl on some training course we were both doing. I was interested in her but didn’t want to put myself out there. Once the training was finished she invited me to a party all the other attendees were having. It was there one of her friends explained to me that she was super into me and asked if I felt the same.

I spoke about it with her, and just like that, we started going out; we did everything together and made out a lot (she told me she was on the pill). Anyway, fast forward a few months, and she doesn’t feel well but goes to visit a friend who recently had a kid. 

She called me a couple of days later and told me when she saw her friend and explained how she didn’t feel well, her friend said, “Oh weird, that’s how I felt when I first became pregnant.” 

She did a test, and boom, she was pregnant. I took this well. Even though we hadn’t been dating too long, I wasn’t about to get up and run. She then tells me, “But don’t worry, it isn’t yours,” it turns out she had been sleeping with someone else and was almost positive it was theirs.

Naturally, I was distraught as now I could no longer see this great woman who I had done everything with and who may have been carrying my child. I tried to talk with her, but she blocked me. 

I later found out she had a miscarriage. She and the other guy are now married with two kids (neither are mine). And I’m now happily engaged to my partner, who I’ve been dating for a few years now.


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