Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

54. Pain Of Being Lied To

Pexels, Kampus Production

Had my first healthy relationship after about 4.5 years of an abusive one, and I finally felt complete. The relationship was amazing at first, but then, about seven months in, she started talking about her ex a lot more after he refollowed her on Instagram. 

Two months later, they ended up having a class together at university, and the last month was her basically telling me she might still be in love with her ex. She basically dumped me a few weeks after, saying she couldn’t be in a relationship at the moment and she needed time to fully get over her ex.

Stupidly, I stuck around as a friend, hoping we could restart our relationship while she got her crap together. After about six months of me waiting and her actually getting over her ex, she ended up getting with a guy who slid in her DMs on Instagram after telling me profusely she wasn’t ready for a relationship.

She’s now going to travel across the world with this guy from Instagram a mere four months after they started dating, while I’m still not over her and think about her every day. 

We’ve cut contact, but it still hurts like hell.


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