Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

55. All For Nothing But Betrayal

Pexels, RDNE Stock project

I took a sabbatical to help care for my in-laws with my wife. She continued to work, but it all worked out. Her mom passed, and her dad was not doing well. He lived 2 more years. 

I cooked, cleaned, did home maintenance, took him to his appointments, etc. My wife was not dealing with it well, so I would insist she go shopping with our daughters, drinks with friends, and so on. 

Right before he passed, she came in with my daughter and told me, “You’ve been a godsend. I want a divorce.” She had worked with an attorney on a declaration of abandonment on our house since I had been living at her parents’ house. 

It turned out that some or all of the shopping trips and drinks with friends were making out with her new boyfriend. The timing was to ensure I couldn’t claim any of the inheritance. 

I was destroyed.


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