Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

56. Woman Of Wreck

Pexels, cottonbro studio

After two years of very good moments and stretches of apathetic stagnation from both of us, she broke up with me after a very, very good couple of months. We were making serious plans to move in together. We just got back from a vacation (I paid for almost entirely, which I only give a damn about now). The minute we got back, she ghosted me for a week. I was so damn confused as I thought things were going well.

Out of the blue, she says we need to talk, and she breaks up with me because “We’re just going in different directions in our lives.” I accepted it because it was true. However, what I didn’t know until a while later was that the direction she was going in and had already arrived at was some other guy.

That freaking killed me. I felt so damn worthless. For the two years following that, it got worse and worse. I found out the guy she cheated on me with was a guy she met over a video game two weeks earlier and TALKED TO ME ABOUT. 

I then found out that she had ALSO lied to me about my best friend of 10 years and was the #1 reason we’re barely even acquaintances anymore. She took a truth, that he and his girlfriend at the time were in rocky water, and spun it to say that he was “basically taking advantage of her.” 

I heard it from the girl’s mouth later on that that was absolute bullcrap. She admitted that their relationship was basically all about making out at that point but that she was the one initiating it over half the time. And there was so much more of that stuff, too. That was just the biggest one.

So not only did she cheat on me, but she also ruined all the trust I had in my best friend. I lost both of the people most important to me in the span of a month because of her. Jesus Christ, that witch.


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