Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

57. Aftermath of Bitterness

Pexels, Liza Summer

6 months after we broke up, she drove 5 hours to a house party a bunch of my (relatively new) friends were at because she thought I’d be there. Turns out I wasn’t there. 

My (soon to be) new girlfriend was. 

She spent the entire night telling everyone we never broke up and I had been cheating on her for months (we both moved away to different colleges). She spent the whole night crying crocodile tears, sending group snaps with strangers and some of my ‘friends’ telling me to fudge myself, etc. 

Convinced the girl I was with at the time to back off as ‘revenge’ for being the other woman. I called her once I realized she was lying to my friends, and she admitted to me on the phone after about an hour of bullcrap that she knew we were broken up and was maliciously lying to try and destroy my life.

She then asked if we could ‘make up’ and be friends again. And if she could come to the next party because ‘they were her friends too’ and she ‘had so much fun and I have no right to take that from her.’

I recorded our whole phone call, so that crap got shut down pretty quickly when I showed the friends at the party her admitting to lying in the audio of our call. Well, just the friends that didn’t do anything to make me never speak to them again lol.


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