Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

59. Hope He Gets Deja Vu

Pexels, Steven Arenas

We were together for a year and a half. I saw messages with a sus friend he had, and we had a huge fight. At the time I was living in his place for a while cuz he was studying in another city, but he was attending classes while I was on an online course. 

He left for the day, and when he came back, I saw on his face it was over. We had the ultimate conversation, saying we couldn’t do this anymore. I begged him not to end things, but it wasn’t possible anymore. 

He drove me back to the train station, and I had to fight tears for the whole 2 hours train ride. He then found himself another boyfriend within 3 weeks, posting Instagram stories in the place we were living together, watching the shows we used to watch, and posting pics in my home city. 

It’s heartbreaking, but I got over it. Time is everything, and now I just wish him the best.


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