Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

62. Tons Of Betrayal

Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

Slept with my so-called mate because he told her I was sleeping with another girl. She never once confronted me about this, even though she admitted later she’d been following me around whenever I went out on my own, which was only twice a week for an hour. 

Said she only told me she’d slept with him because she thought he was going to tell me. Yeah, that made me feel better. Had a terrible bout of depression for about five years. I’m honestly surprised I made it out of my 20’s I came very close to ending everything several times. Only the thought of what it would do to my family stopped me. 

Have had trust issues ever since, as well as bouts of depression, admittedly not as bad as the first time as I now have better coping strategies.


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