Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

68. Did Best For Nothing

Pexels, cottonbro studio

My Fiance left me after 6 years together because she wanted to sleep with my friend. I mostly blame Covid since we couldn’t go out on dates, but I tried everything I could to continue dating her. 

Making meals and eating by candlelight, picking up food, dancing in the living room together, etc. When I felt something was off I took her to Niagara Falls to try and get some of the magic back, but she had already given up.

Told me she didn’t want to marry me anymore so I gave her a few days to think about us. Two days later, she broke it off. Found out a few months later she was sleeping with my friend and that she left me for him.

Getting over her was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I have diabetes, I have had surgery for an infection on my spine, and I’ve had several deep root canals that hurt so bad I wished death upon myself… but I’d go through all of those pains at once before I’d go through the pain she put into me when she left.

It’s been almost a year, and I’ve started putting myself back out there again, but the fear it might happen again is always in the back of my mind


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