Messiest BreakUps People Have Experienced

72. It’s Raining Reasons

Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

My ex that I thought was going to be the one. We moved 8 hours away from our hometown together, but once we had fully moved in, she looked me dead in the eyes and said we couldn’t make out all the time because that’s not how relationships work once you move in together. 

When the place I was working at laid me off because they didn’t have enough business to keep me employed full-time, she called me a bum and said if her mom found out that I was on EI, she would be so embarrassed by me. 

Near the end, all she wanted was an open relationship, and well, I finally hit my breaking point and gave her what she wanted, but my plan was to teach her a lesson because I wanted out but had to save money to get home. 

So we did the whole open relationship thing, and I was only swiping right. It’s a large city, so loads of women. Come to find out, no one wanted to deal with her, so she wanted to call it off. 

Well, a week later, she said she couldn’t be with me because I didn’t wanna be a vegan. Well, she keeps tabs on me still so I post every animal I drop while hunting just to get that one last dig in.


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