Military Wives Who Ended Up Being Total Karens

Pulling Rank


So, I gotta say, most of the spouses I’ve run into are pretty cool – like 99.9% of them. But man, the bad ones stick around in your head. This little gem of a story took place at camp just a bit ago. I spotted someone, looked like a spouse, hauling around boxes of what I guessed were girl scout cookies. She spotted me as I walked by.

Her: “Hey! Give me a hand!.” Me: “Sorry but uh, who are you?” Her: “My husband is a gunny, and I told you to help me!” Me: “Hmm…actually, you don’t really hold any power here. Your husband’s rank doesn’t matter at all.”

Her: “Excuse me?!?” Me: “I mean, you don’t have control here. I don’t care what rank your husband is?” Her: “Oh Marine, you sure you wanna test me?” Me: “Not really testing anything. Have a nice day”.

And I started to stroll away. Her: “I’m gonna tell your command how rude you were!” Me: “Go ahead. And while you’re at it, tell ’em I said you can go screw yourself too”. Her: “What?!?!” Me: “Just like I said, go screw yourself!” Got a bit of flack for swearing out loud, but nothing serious.

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