Military Wives Who Ended Up Being Total Karens

Wrong Place, Wrong Time


So, this military wife was partying where she wasn’t really supposed to on base. I can’t remember if her husband was an officer or enlisted, but she was definitely in the wrong place. Afterwards, when she was driving home, she hit a guy who was lying in the middle of the road. Crazy as it sounds, this stuff happens on base, kind of like in college.

It took her like FOREVER to finally call 911 and when she did, she tried to play it off like she’d run over a bag of trash or something around 1 a.m. This was on a part of the base that was only living quarters. When the guy was brought to the hospital, he was making some seriously horrible noises. But, he survived and didn’t lose any limbs. The wife, however, she got locked up for a hit-and-run.

Her husband found out about all this when he was serving overseas.

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