Military Wives Who Ended Up Being Total Karens

Invisibility Act


I once knew this couple from the military who’d completely shaved their kids’ heads, even the girls. They chose names like Manson, Lewellyn, and even Satan for them. You see, they were into devil worship and often complained about facing prejudice because of their beliefs. But then their intention to ‘offer’ the 7th child to Satan got out somehow.

Next thing we knew, we had to call Child Protective Services. Their kids were removed from their custody immediately. The father was then locked up provisionally, pending court hearings. This guy tried pulling off some ‘invisibility act’ while attempting to steal pricey gadgets from the community schools. His wife then threatened to end her own life while pleading with me to help her husband get out.

It was depressing, mainly because she was genuinely ill. As for her husband, he was just a self-centered loser. Yet, together, they made quite the dysfunctional duo. And the kids, sadly, were just caught in the middle.

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