Military Wives Who Ended Up Being Total Karens

Spilling His Guts


My buddy Robert wasn’t exactly a looker, and he was a pretty lazy guy too. Most people put up with him because despite all that, he was a cool guy. Even more baffling was that he had a super attractive wife. Seeing them together always makes people do a double take – made me wonder what he was packing or if she was just the one non-shallow person I’ve met.

Robert was best buddies with a guy we’ll call Greg. Greg was easily the more handsome one. After knocking back a few, Robert thought it’d be a fun idea to have Greg sleep with his wife, while he sat in the audience. And well, it happened.

This isn’t a one-time thing, too. But one day his wife finishes her session with Greg and drops a bomb – she’s done with Robert, she wants Greg. That shattered poor Robert. And how did this whole saga become public knowledge?

Because Robert waltzed right into our squadron and spilled his guts. I was just there to get some paperwork done, and he dishes out this whole story to everyone, ending with insistence that Greg gets punished.

Greg didn’t get any disciplinary action, but he was told to cut it out. Doubt if that worked, though.

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