Military Wives Who Ended Up Being Total Karens

On the Down Low


Back in 2010, our Navy’s F-18 squadron was deployed. Couple of months in, the female night shift supervisor for powerplants starts hooking up with a guy from maintenance. They were teammates and both married, but didn’t even try to keep it on the down low. Night shift was chaotic due to their antics.

Every night, powerplants and maintenance started having an issue. It slowed down work and mistakes happened due to bad communication and messed up command chain. This messed up our day job, the flight programs, practices, and even the whole mission.

Folks tried reporting this through every route, but nothing happened. It took a whole list of people writing to the Inspector General for an investigation to begin. The investigation team showed up and started questioning everyone. People didn’t hold back, they were really fed up with those two. During the process, the team went to check on the woman in her room. But they were in for a huge surprise: She was caught with ANOTHER dude from maintenance who was ALSO married. Apparently, it was a messed up love triangle and they were all in it together.

The woman got demoted, same with the first Chief who fortunately, was eligible for early retirement. The second guy wasn’t so lucky, he got demoted too and had to head back to the fleet. But the drama isn’t even over. The woman, now restricted, found a way to use Facebook. She started sharing pity posts and messaged folks in the squadron. No one liked her anyway, so they reported her again.

Another investigation started and it turned out she was messing around with the guy managing the restricted quarters. She was demoted again and got stricter punishments, losing more pay and getting more restrictions. She was kicked out eventually, walked off with the nickname “Rings and Rank”. Personally, I still don’t get it. She wasn’t even attractive and was pretty overweight.

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