Military Wives Who Ended Up Being Total Karens

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So, this is a tale from 2004, just after we returned from invading Iraq. We landed in Bangor, Maine, and some good folks had given us donated cell phones so we could call our families and let them know we were almost home. One Sergeant dialed up his wife. You’d think, since everything had been smooth during his deployment, he was home free. But, nah.

Suddenly, we heard a torrent of foul language that only a soldier could let loose. That phone got chucked like a long bomb across the airport. Turns out, his wife had chosen that exact moment, just hours before his homecoming after a year in the battlefield, to drop the divorce bomb. She’d drained his bank account, leaving him in the red, and all his stuff was left in trash bags inside his unlocked truck parked at the barracks.

The guy got remarried in just two months. Honestly, no one came out looking good in this story.

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