Military Wives Who Ended Up Being Total Karens

Case Closed


I was stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky in the late 80s. An officer’s child turned up missing. Darn near every solider on Ft. Knox was looking for this kid. We looked for days. The kid never turns up. I leave, and move on. Several years later I’m sent back to Fort Knox.

Out of the blue, a bunch of activity is happening at a park several miles away. It got heartbreaking in an instant. The little girl turned up, and it turns out that the man’s wife, the girl’s stepmom, offed the girl. But that’s not all. The soldier came home, found out, and hid the body in the park.

The whole case was solved because the older sister of the girl was starting to get worried she was next. Told a teacher who got the authorities involved.  That is the worst I’ve heard of, over 20+ years in the Army.

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