Military Wives Who Ended Up Being Total Karens

No Interest In Family


When my mother-in-law (who was a military spouse) gave birth to my now-wife, she was advised to make a sandwich or two…in case her husband got hungry while she was delivering her child. Her husband did not attend the delivery, so all she had in the delivery room was a drill Sergeant yelling at her to push.

When she got home, the father had his car engine disassembled on the table. He asked whether she’d had a boy or girl, got told “girl”, said “oh” and went back to his engine. He really wanted a boy to carry on the family name, but when, in an attempt to save the relationship, they had a boy together, he moved out shortly afterward and never (or rarely) spoke to the son again.

The son changed his last name to his mother’s name as soon as he legally could.

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