Chaotic Classroom Moments That Still Bother Teachers

A Solid Plan


I teach at a large high school, with over 3,000 students, in the middle of a very urban area, one of the 10 largest districts in the US, so we get all kinds of students. We are also 1:1, meaning every student gets issued a laptop for doing their schoolwork. My co-worker was having an issue with a female student during class.

Basically, my co-worker asked the girl to put her laptop up as they were doing an in-class activity, and supposedly this is an ongoing issue. This turned into an argument—but the student turned around and told my co-worker something scandalizing: “I don’t need school, I’ll make more than enough money playing online poker.” Well, good luck with that, I guess.

I hope you make enough money to get another laptop once the school takes theirs back once you graduate or you’re finally kicked out.

~ futureagintern

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