Moments When Employees Dared Their Bosses to Fire Them

If You Could Do It Without Me, Then Do It

Photo source: Pexels, Caio

I worked a job where I was the only one who knows how to take apart, clean, fix, and put all the equipment back together and do the weekly and monthly maintenance.

Had a boss tell me one day that I was doing a poor job and not doing enough and that anyone could do it. If I didn’t step up I would be fired or else as they had manuals for each piece of equipment.

So that night I took apart all the equipment (weekly and monthly stuff too), cleaned them, and then just left it apart for them to figure out that morning.

Then I turned off my phone after getting home for the entire day as I had the day off.

When I turned it back on the next day I saw that I had initially received angry texts ordering me to return and put everything back together.

This lasted an hour. Then texts saying I risked being fired. Then texts begging me to return. Then more texts trying to compromise with overtime.

Then an apology before nothing else for the rest of the day other than that the head boss wanted to see me as soon as I came in the next day.

Came in the next day and over half the stuff was still not put together and what had been put together was put together haphazardly and would need to be taken out again then put back in correctly.

Was immediately asked to be seen by my boss and their boss to explain myself the moment I was seen entering.

Once in the office I told them that if they weren’t there to apologise then just fire me then and there or drop it and let me put all the stuff back together.

They looked at each other and then told me that I could get back to work.

Boss never called me lazy again.

Reddit user: Sardorim

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