Moments When Employees Dared Their Bosses to Fire Them

Relaxing at Home with a Beer

Photo source: Pexels, Diego Indriago

I’ve been at the company a long time, therefore I know both day and nightshift duties in and out, I’m well-liked by our clients and in charge of training the new recruits.

Most work for us up to 6-12 months before growing tired of the workload or finding that they can’t handle the job or just wanted cash enough to study up for something else.

Anyway, they are heavily dependent on me. My closest boss threatened to fire me for being home one day and drinking beer when I was supposed to be at work.

2 weeks prior I had agreed to do overtime but I wanted a new schedule so I would not miss it. I got a new schedule, but she had forgotten to fill in that day on it.

She blamed me for it anyway and said it was grounds for terminating my contract. I dared her to do it and see how long we could stay in business.

She did not accept the challenge.

Reddit user: Beraht

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