Moments When Employees Dared Their Bosses to Fire Them

Thousands in Damages

Photo source: Pexels, August de Richelieu

I was working at an important political building. Been there for about a year. Other employees have been there for decades. 99% of the staff is black, including myself.

None of us have ever been written up. New manager shows up. A older white lady with a complex, and starts berating people for not doing their jobs, when they are very clearly doing their jobs as the job is defined.

She berates people until they backtalk, then fires them for insubordination. She fires ten out of 13 people, all black, and replaces them with white workers.

She approaches me and begins berating me. I am onto what she is doing. I do not react. My lack of reaction leads her to tell me I’m being insubordinate, and I’m fired.

That was my “I dare you” moment, although I did not say it. She fired me.

Six months later, she’s been fired, her supervisor is fired, and his supervisor has been demoted to the worst position a supervisor can have. A lawsuit has been filed that resulted in about $100,000 in damages to the victims.

Reddit user: blackjustin

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