Moments When Employees Dared Their Bosses to Fire Them

This is Illegal You Know

Photo source: Pexels, Adrien Olichon

For the past few years I’ve worked at one of the “nicer” restaurants in my small beach town. I’m one of the only servers there who cares about doing a good and I’m the only one who doesn’t take a smoke break every 15 minutes.

This past summer a new, very illegal, rule was implemented that if we messed up an order in anyway we would be liable to pay for that messed-up food.

I usually didn’t have a problem with mess ups so I didn’t bring up the legality of this matter since I make good money and don’t want to start fires in places that don’t concern me.

That is until I rang in a ‘Cherry-Glazed Burger’ instead of a ‘Cherry-Glazed Steak’ (each stylized CGB and CGS in our cheap computer system.) I fixed this with the kitchen, but not before they had already started the burger.

I told my manager and she just gave me a disappointed and told me that the rules are the rules. I then dived into both federal and state workers rights code and told her she would never see me again if I found any money out of my tips at the end of the night.

Never had a problem fixing an order again.

Reddit user: WrestleCuck

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