Moments When Employees Dared Their Bosses to Fire Them

Not My Job

Photo source: Pixabay, Svklimkin

I worked at Burger King as a teenager. One day, the assistant manager, who illegally brought her teenage daughter to work to help her out, asked me to clean the restrooms.

It wasn’t my normal job but I didn’t mind. I had a good attitude about it and prepared to go clean the bathrooms.

I walked into the men’s room and discovered that the reason she asked me to do it was because someone pooped all over the bathroom.

Smeared fecal matter on the walls, the sink, the floor, the outside of the toilet. The toilet was clogged and had wet, used toilet paper inside of at and all over the room.

It was a complete disaster.

I walked out of the bathroom, went back to the kitchen and told the assistant manager “I’m not cleaning that. You can fire me but I’m not cleaning it.” She sighed heavily and went and got a mop.

Reddit user: Mjdillaha

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